God is only good. He only wants good things for us. Especially at times, when we feel stressed, often we are not able to believe that. Thoughts, like: “I am not enough, I am unworthy, the others want to harm me, God wants to harm me for a special purpose or because he doesn’t want me to have a good life” and other thoughts express doubts about the fact that God is really only good. But these thoughts are a lie about ourselves and how God sees us.
God talks to us through the prophet Jeremia in chapter 29:11-14:
I have thoughts of peace for you, and not of evil, I will give you a future and hope. Then I will hear you when you call upon me, and when you come and pray unto me. And you will find me when you seek me and I will be found of you, when you search for me with all your heart. And you shall seek me, and find me, when you shall search for me with all your heart, says the LORD (Jeremia 29:11-14)
Gods word encourages us every time. God helps us to live, what we are made for. He helps us to be the person he has made us.
Thoughts that block us are not from God, but from dark sources of our past and presence.
We live in a fallen world and satan has an interest to corrupt our lives. But that is not the will of God, but rather misfortune and woes vanish, when we have a personal encounter with the living God and when we experience his intimate proximity. Jesus has overcome the dead and where Jesus is, dead has no space anymore.
The problem is not that we have thoughts that transport a bad view about ourselves or see God as not good, weak or resentful. The problem is, when we believe these thoughts, we are not aware, that they are not the thoughts of God. If we would recognize that they are thoughts that are whispered in our ears from dark sources, we would renounce them.
When we believe these thoughts, then sometimes we speak them out loud. Thereby we give them power, because by speaking these thoughts we transport them from the invisible realm into the visible realm. When we have given them this power, they will become true very fast and manifest themselves as reality. But the reality of God is the opposite – it is good. Because of that it is equal with thoughts that support us, encourage us and proclaim our success and progress: when we speak these thoughts upon us, we transport the invisible realm of Gods reality into the visible realm of our life on earth and then these godly thoughts become reality.
What we believe determines our destinies in our lives. Either we believe these negative, discouraging thoughts or we believe the word of God what it says about us. Negative thoughts have no power when we face them with the word of God.
Then we can shout into the invisible world:
Lord Jesus Christ, I call upon you. I renounce this (these) thought(s) (now name every thought as exactly as you can). I don’t believe this (these) thought(s). And I declare and proclaim, this thought: [ … ] is a lie – (instead of the points in the brackets name every thought and repeat the sentence). I take captive every thought to make it obedient to your will, the will of Christ.
I confess, that God’s intentions are good for me. Thank you Jesus, that you died for me and that you have shed your blood for me. Thereby you freely give me all things. Thank you, that you want my life to be successful. You have promised me, that you hear me, when I call upon you. Thank you, that your ways are good and perfect, and that your plan for me is peace and that you lead my life to success.
(c) Steffen Bürger
Thanks to Sarah Nafula for proofreading.