Turning away from fear and facing trust …

Freedom ! (c) Photography Steffen Bürger (Terschelling December 28th, 2016)
Freedom !
(c) Photography Steffen Bürger (Terschelling December 28th, 2016)

Jesus says: “I am the way! I am the truth and the life! No one comes to the father except through me. When you know, who I am, then you also know my father. From now on you do know him and have yet seen him. (…) Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. (John 14, 6-9)

Often we allow problems to control us, because we believe voices that cause fear. In those moments we don’t believe, that through the death of Jesus, through his shed blood and his resurrection power every boundary and every limit has lost its power. Jesus died not only for me. He died my death. While I died with him, I died from limits and boundaries, that divided me from God.
With this fellowship with Christ we have knowledge that God is our real father. Because of Christ we know that we are children of our father in heaven. The term “heaven” stands for the invisible, supernatural realm of God. This determines our identity: As his beloved sons and daughters, through faith in Christ, we have access to the invisible world of God. With this identity every time we can contact our father in heaven and talk to him, listen to him and experience his tangible proximity.

Unfortunately in our society many children have been disappointed by their physical fathers or by other persons of authority. Young people believed these fathers or other persons of authority. They believed that they are every time right and that they would have the last word. When these fathers and other authorities had loveless attitudes and children believed that they were right, their trust in them causes disappointments and they carry deepest wounds in their emotions. As a result after those experiences it is difficult for them to trust a father or a person of authority. With these emotional wounds they have difficulties to believe with the heart, that our father in heaven, the father of glory, the God of eternity is different from those fathers or persons of authority, that have hurt them so much. But this father in heaven is not just a father of some sort. He is unimaginable good – good above all dimensions. He is the only God.

While Jesus has overcome the trench between God, who is the real father, and us, we have access to him, and we have fellowship with our creator – God, who has created this world. When we have fellowship with our father in heaven, the creator of this world, we have fellowship with the one that has made us the way we are. He has a specific idea of us, like how we should be and to what purpose he has brought us into this world.

So I have fellowship with the one that is my origin and I get access to my deepest core, my deepest identity. In this deep fellowship with my father in heaven, through Jesus Christ, deep in me, I get increasingly access to who I am and who I actually shall be. Because I get experiential knowledge about the one, that has created this world and that has created me, more and more I learn to know me, by connecting with my deepest foreground and my deepest inner identity. In Jesus Christ I become my best self and I become completely like I am. In this way I become completely whole.

My father in heaven is more loving as my natural father could ever be. While I receive this love, I experience that my heavenly father eradicates every obstacle that wants to separate me from him. So I experience, that he carries me and takes me in his arms. I experience, how he leads my life when I let him do. Thereby I discover, how much he helps me, to overcome every difficulty. I am in the same position to my father in heaven, like Jesus, the son of God.

Because of that I can do the deeds, that Jesus did, even greater. (John 14, 12) Like Jesus says: What I told you is not of myself. The FATHER, that is in me, acts through me. It is HIS work. For sure I tell you: who trusts in me and believes, will do those things, even accomplish greater deeds. Because I go to the FATHER, and everything you will ask for in my name, I will do. For this the father will be dignified in the son. Whatsoever you ask for in my name, I will do. (John 14, 10-14 – own translation).

Father in heaven, you are my real and true father. Because of You, heaven is my home and my inheritance. In your eternity you possess unthinkable, unlimited abundance. Thank you, even today you let me participate in your world, your wealth and your truth. Thank you that I will inherit the treasures that you keep ready in your kingdom and even today you grant me access because your son Jesus Christ has delivered me, bought me with his blood, died at the cross and rose from the dead.

I ask for forgiveness that thus far I believed the negative voices, that wanted to convince me, that you would not be interested in me. These are only voices that mirror disappointments I had in my life and my own disappointing thoughts. Today I know, that these voices are a lie. You even loved me before I was conceived and before I was born. For all times You have accompanied me until today and you have ensured, that I live today.
You were with me in the darkest hours, even when I felt so lost, you didn’t leave me alone. Even now you go with me, heal my wounds and you, my father in heaven, teach me as Your son / Your daughter how to live in this world and how to live in your supernatural power, that I can serve other people, as a citizen of your kingdom.
Thank you, father in heaven, that through Jesus Christ I am a carrier of your overwhelming resurrection power and that for me everything is possible with you. Your love, that you give to me, is overcoming every fear. With this you have taken away every power of death. While I have fellowship with you, fear has no right anymore to rule in my life. Through faith in Christ I now have the Holy Spirit in me and I live in your power through the fellowship with you. Thank you, that you fill me with the presence of the Holy Spirit and that I am a carrier of your spirit. Thank you, that as Your Son / Your daughter I am so exceedingly precious for you.

(c) Steffen Bürger
Thanks to Sarah Nafula for proofreading.