Every answered prayer is a miracle…

Wired cross in Henvelez (Belgium March 2017) (c) Photography by Steffen Bürger
Wired cross in Henvelez (Belgium, May 2017)
(c) Photography by Steffen Bürger

God is a God of miracles.

He, who prays and gets an answer to his prayer is experiencing a miracle.
He, who says, today God is not working miracles anymore and has experienced an answer to his prayers is fooling himself.
He, who pretends to believe in God but is not praying has no expectations in God.
Faith in God means to expect something from God.
Why not, with Jesus, God has given us everything as a gift.
As Paul has mentioned in the letter to the Romans: “If God is for us, who can be against us? He, who did not even spare his own son, but has given him for us all: Would he withhold something from us?” (Rom 8, 31-32 – own translation).
Because of that, someone that doesn’t pray either has less or no faith at all.
He, who prays with expectation has faith in God.

Lord, Jesus Christ, from now on I will  come to you with expectation, I will pray with expectation and I will seek you full of expectation.

(c) Steffen Bürger (Inspired by T.L. Osborn)
Thanks to Sarah Nafula for proofreading.