To be happy…

Loving God - Peace and Joy (c) Photography: Steffen Buerger (Jinja Uganda August 9th 2017)
Loving God – Peace and Joy (c) Photography: Steffen Buerger (Jinja Uganda August 9th 2017)

Those who are searching for happiness will find no end – instead happiness offers itself in short moments and then you have to take it…
Perfect joy is only in the relationship with Jesus Christ. He who loves Jesus can experience joy in all situations.

Lord Jesus Christ, from now on I want to find joy only in you. Teach me how to let go of things that steal my freedom, my peace and joy. I give them all to your cross. Please set me free from every burden in my life. Thank you, that you died on the cross for me to set me free.

(c) Steffen Buerger
Thanks to Sarah Nafula for proofreading.