The Beauty of Forgiveness (c) Photography: Steffen Buerger (Duesseldorf, 17th of September 2017
Forgiveness is dis-empowerment. By forgiving with all our heart those, who have hurt us or have abused us, we take away their power over our lives. Because Jesus has forgiven us, he enables us to forgive others. Nobody has deserved to be forgiven. That is the nature of forgiveness.
In the physical realm (that is the realm, that we perceive with our natural senses), often we think the opposite way. We fear, when we would forgive those, who have treated us badly, that they would be able to hurt us continuously.
But this is only a deception of Satan.
When we forgive with all our heart, all the pain and the memory loses its power.
Thank you so much for the great article, it was fluent and to the point. Cheers.
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