Healing of a Knee in the tram, June 27th of 2022

A woman has had pain in her knee. The Holy Spirit gave me an impuls to ask the woman, if she has pain somewhere. As I praid for her, she felt relief from the pain. (c) The Lord Jesus Christ and Steffen Bürger

The Presence of God in the waiting room of the dentist

You can start the video by clicking on the picture above or click on the YouTube window. Video recorded by Media Team Jesus Haus Duesseldorf (Thank you very much). To start the video please click on the YouTube video above (or click on the picture over the YouTube clip). The reality of Jesus is not…


777 Ephesians 2, 21-22 Jesus Christ is the stone that holds the whole building together. HE is the cornerstone. This building is the temple of God. A temple is a place where God people encounter HIM personally. The picture shows red stones. The color red represents the blood of Jesus, which cleanses each stone of…

Jesus is interested in us and in the development of our life

Jesus has more for us, as only some comforting words or some good thoughts in the service on Sunday, that you can carry into the week, to consume them theoretically, after the service is over. This you can see in the words of Paul in the epistle to the Romans: “16 For I am not…